How to freeze and take static archive of your old site

Legacy sites can be a major burden to maintain. Use Quant to take a static snapshot of your old website to start saving money, stop maintaining your old servers and software, and remove your risk of security vulnerabilities. Archive your legacy content easily.

Automate static deployments with Quant CLI

An introduction to the Quant CLI tool to show how deployments can be introduced into current CI/CD pipelines to achieve automated Quant deployments. First in a series that will explore integrations and examples with popular CI cloud providers.

Back To The Static

In the beginning, the web was static. Join Quant as we journey back to the days of Netscape Navigator and dial up modems and rediscover the pros of serving static websites instead of complex web serving architectures.

Quant is Live!

QuantCDN is live, providing an all-in-one static export and hosting solution to Drupal, WordPress, and popular static site generators like Jekyll, Hugo, VuePress, Hexo, Gatsby, MkDocs, Docusaurus, Pelican, and more.